Bonney Bridge Humbucker
With the spiciest output in the Habanero line, Grover Jackson's Bonney bridge pup is overwound to give it a meaty midrange while retaining a tight low end and crisp, piquant highs. Its singing clarity and rich harmonics cut through effortlessly...
from $100.00
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Naga Viper Bridge Humbucker
Bring the heat! Habanero's Naga Viper is the ultimate in distortion-class bridge pups. Its overwound, high output design delivers a balanced frequency response with smooth lows and rich highs, making it the choice pickup for an overdriven amp while being...
from $100.00
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Poblano PAF Bridge Humbucker
The Habanero Poblano PAF is Grover Jackson's personal take on the Patent Applied For-style pickups that graced the very first Gibsons back in the 1950's. With a warm bottom end and open, bell-like top, the Grover version features alnico V...
from $100.00
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Poblano PAF Neck Humbucker
The Habanero Poblano PAF is Grover Jackson's personal take on the Patent Applied For-style pickups that graced the very first Gibsons back in the 1950's. With a warm bottom end and open, bell-like top, the Grover version features alnico V...
from $100.00
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Puya P90 Pickups
You've heard that unmistakable sound of a 1950's P90: the midrange bite, the sweet chime, and that hi-fi savoriness of the golden days. By rolling off the volume, they clean up nicely like the bar of soap they resemble. Grover...
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Serrano Single Coils
The Habanero Serrano Single Coils are Grover Jackson's own Texas-style, high output take on the classic designs from the 50?'s and 60's. Using Alnico III magnets, the fuller and warmer tones offer the right amount of fatness for the modern player...
from $74.99
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Tabasco T-Style Pickups
With all of the familiar spank and twang of the earliest models, Grover Jackson tweaked the formula to give these T-style pups some added Alnico V flavor without losing their sought-after squashed savoriness akin to the original Broadcaster models. The...
from $79.99
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