To Our Industry Partners...

We hope that everyone is healthy and safe during this series of unprecedented challenges.  As you are now aware, we have launched a new AP International website featuring our full distribution line which allows you to see the catalog in real time.  In the future, we are planning on introducing a B2B login where you will be able to sign in and view pricing, but in the meantime please continue to contact your normal sales representative with orders and questions.

Stay tuned for the Vintage Kramer photo gallery featuring hundreds of my personal photographs as one of the original owners of Kramer Guitars, as well as the new AxLabs line of hardware and replacement parts we will be launching later in the year.

We are looking forward to coming out of these crazy times as an even better and stronger company.  Although no one is in control of the situation at hand, we are in control of how we would like to be when this is all over.  Thank you for being a part of it.

-Andy Papiccio
President, AP International
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