Pure Tone Mono Multi-Contact 1/4″ Output Jack
The patented Pure Tone jack contains dual tension grounds and dual positive tips for optimal signal and lowest possible noise. 100% greater surface area at all contact points creates a more stable connection; as a result, high and low frequencies...
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Pure Tone Mono Multi-Contact 1/4″ Output Jack - Black Nickel
The patented Pure Tone jack contains dual tension grounds and dual positive tips for optimal signal and lowest possible noise. 100% greater surface area at all contact points creates a more stable connection; as a result, high and low frequencies...
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Pure Tone Mono Multi-Contact 1/4″ Output Jack - Gold-Plated
THEY'RE HERE!  The Pure Tone jack contains dual tension grounds and dual positive tips for optimal signal and lowest possible noise. 100% greater surface area at all contact points creates a more stable connection; as a result, high and low...
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